
Sunday, March 31, 2019

Comparison of The Crucible and The Lottery

Comparison of The melting pot and The lotteryIn Arthur Millers The Crucible, and Shirley Jacksons the Lottery the main characters, prank watch over, and Ms. Hutchison suffer fell treatment due to the societies conformity to the article of beliefs/traditions and the causation of the potential in the cardinal townshipshipspeoples.The conformity of the town of Salem is because the government is ruled by the bible. It verbalize in the beginning that Salem developed theocracy, a combine of farming and religious power whose function was to keep community together, and to prevent some(prenominal) kind of disunity that might open it to destruction by material or ideological enemies. (7) The town of Salem counts strictly on the bible, and does non head its power. If an individual in Salem were to question the words/beliefs of the bible it is curbn that they atomic number 18 working with the devil. An example of this from The Crucible is the conversation between John Proctor, Elizabeth and blackjack. unhurt Proctor, let you open with me now, for I corroborate rumour that troubles me. Its said you traveling bag no belief that on that point may even be witches in the world. Is that true sir?Proctor I know not what i have said, i may have said it. I have wondered if there be witches in the world although I cannot believe they come among us now.Hale Then you do not believe Proctor I have no knowledge of it the Bible speaks of witches, and I will not deny them.Hale And you, wo worldly concern?Elizabeth I-I cannot believe it.Hale You cannotProctor Elizabeth, you come himElizabeth I cannot think the Devil may own a womans soul, Mr. Hale, when she keeps an dependable way, as I have. I am a nice woman, I know it and if you believe I may do only good work in the world, and yet be secretly bound to Satan, and because i must tell you sir, I do not believe it.Hale But, woman, you do believe there are witches in-Elizabeth If you think that i am one, then I presuppose there are none.Hale You surely do not fly against the Gospel, the Gospel-Proctor She believe in the Gospel, e truly wordProctor She do not mean to doubtfulness the Gospel, sir, you cannot think it. This be a Christian house, sir, a Christian house. (69)This shows that everyone necessarily to believe in what the bible says, no matter what your own belief is. Anything against it will result in consequences. An example is when because of what Elizabeth had said, her and John Proctor were compel to that they had to come to church every Sunday, and that their last child was to be baptized right away. It was also and as importantly, a long overdue luck for everyone so inclined to express publicly his guilt and sins, under the address of accusations against the victims. (7) John Proctor faces serious consequences when he does not agree to point his name on the paper that confesses and shows everyone in town he adage witches.Danforth Come then, sign your testimony. Give it t o him. Come, man, sign it.Proctor You have in all witnessed it-it is enough.Danforth You will not sign it? (141)Proctor You have all witnessed it what more is needed?Danforth Do you sport with me? You will sign your name or it is no confession, MisterParris Praise be to the Lord. (142)This ends up having John Proctorwho went against the bible, to suffer and be hanged.In the Lottery, the lottery has been tradition the town has followed for a long time. An recitation that it has been happening for a long time, is because it stated that it has been happening even before the oldest man in town was born. Another indication it is tradition is when Mrs.Huticshson on page 254 comes running into town saying she remembered it was the twenty- seventh. The lottery is something the town takes very seriously. An example to show this is when Mrs. Adams says that the village in the north is thinking of big(p) up lotteries, and that some have already quit it. Old man Warner repliesOld Man Warne r snorted. Pack of crazy fools, he said. Listening to the untested folks, nothings good enough for them. Theres always been a lottery Nothing unless trouble in that. (256)Old man Warners reply shows how much the town believes in the lottery. Even if people are starting to stop doing it, the town has conformed to what everyone else in the town is doing. Mrs. Hutchinson, who was shown to be the most against it, is the one who ends up pain the most.The main characters of both stories suffer inhumane consequences also because of the authority and power of certain individuals. In the Crucible the town of Salem believes in the reverends of the court. The town does not question the authority of the town. This is shown multiple times in the daybook during court scenes. If anyone went against the political authority it was seen as a sin. The governments power is clear stated by Parris.Parris You people seem not to comprehend that a minister is the Lords man in the parish a minister is n ot to be so lightly crossed and contradicted-. (30)The society conforms to the power of the authority. An example is when John Proctor tells Reverend Hale about how he feels about Parris.Proctor I like it not that Mr.Parris should lay his hand upon my baby. I see no light of God in that man. Ill not conceal it. (65)Hale I must say it, Mr. Proctor that is no for you to decide. The mans appointive therefore the light of God is in him. (66)This shows that even if the attitude and individual of authority should be questioned, an individual in Salem should not say anything of it. In the end it shows as if because of him saying that of Parris, he suffers.In the Lottery the individual with the most power and authority is Mr. Summers. Everyone in town listens to Mr. Summers because he conducts the lottery, and because he is very good at it. Mr. Summers shows his power and proves how the town trusts him in his conversation with Mrs. Hutchinson. Daughters draw for their husbands families, Tessie, Mr. Summers said gently. You know that as well as anyone else. (257) He is very calm about his authority which allows the town to gain ground believe in his authority. Even her husband Mr. .Hutchinson does not deny his authority and instead tells her to Shut up. Her outcry against his authority then leads her to face the consequences.In conclusion the conformity of the societies in both texts is because of the traditions/beliefs of society and the authority in power in the towns. This ends up in serious consequences for the main devil characters because they questioned the authority and beliefs.

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