
Friday, March 22, 2019

What Is Psychology? :: Psychology Expository Essays

Psychology is the study of the behavior of living existences. The quite a little that study the behaviors be called psychologists. There have been many studies make by these people to try and figure out why people or animal do the things they do. Psychologys four main goals are to describe what occurred, rationalize why it occurred, predict what event is likely to occur next, and to change to interrupt unwanted outcomes. Psychologists study the parade of thinking, learning, cognition, emotions, motivatings, and personalities. An sheath of one study that has been done would be why a dog salivates to the sound of a chime and show. This behavior is due to a conditioned stimulus becoming a conditioned response. Another experiment done was with a baby and a white mouse to see if the baby would be scared if something happened eon grabbing for the mouse.There are several different types of psychologist for different problems. One example is a tame psychologist. In educa tion and school psychology, they study the process of education and works to promote the intellectual, social, and emotional development of children in the school environment. The main type of psychology is called clinical psychology, which specializes in the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of cordial and behavioral dis nines. Behavior is any observable action or reception of living organisms. There are many levels of behavior that is studied in psychology. Some psychologists concentrate on the behavior that at a superior level like having aggression or being prejudice. There are four main characteristics needed to be an observable behavior, which are the organism itself, motivation, knowledge, and competence. Behavior cannot be studied without the organism there in body. Also, motivation must be in place for the study of behavior because it is an agile cause of a behavior. Knowledge is something that the organism already knows. In order to examine it, you need to u nderstand the environment and what he/she/it knows, thinks, and remembers.

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